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Freshwater Green Mud for face, hair and body

What is Sapropel (Freshwater Green Mud)?

100% natural product for health and beauty
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Freshwater Green Mud, also called Sapropel is an organic sedimentary slip formed at the bottom of still freshwater lakes. It consists mainly of the remains of aquatic organisms such as algae and plants.

It is considered to be one of the most unique therapeutic muds in the world.  Supposedly it doesn’t have an equivalent substance; compared with sea mud and clay, Sapropel is ten times richer in organic matter – up to 93%, which makes it perfectly usable for medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and veterinary purposes.

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Chemical composition of Sapropel

Freshwater Green Mud consists of more than 50 different micro-elements, lipids, sterols, essential fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins – antioxidants (B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, etc.), carotenoids, and other biologically active elements. These substances stimulate biochemical, biophysical, and structural processes in human physiological systems and organs.

Green Freshwater Mud / Sapropel

Effects on the body

Activates the immune system and regenerates nerve fibers.

Has a warming effect and improves blood circulation.

Speeds up the metabolic process in the body.

Helps the body to detoxify and get rid of toxins and heavy metals.

Works anti-inflammatory, helps to heal fresh wounds, damaged and irritated skin.

Penetrates deep into the skin and has effects on the whole body.

Has an antibacterial effect.

Cosmetic use of Sapropel

Freshwater Green Mud is the best, natural all-in-one product that can be applied on the body in the form of masks, applications, and baths for the skin, hair, and body. In cosmetology, it is used to:

Help to restore the water-fat balance in the skin.

Slow down skin ageing, restore and smooth it.

Restore the immunity and the defence system of the skin.

Get rid of acne and acne scars.

Help to get rid of cellulite and break down fats.

To detoxify the body and help it to eliminate toxins and heavy metals.

Strengthen the hair and fight dandruff and other scalp issues.

Strengthen the nail structure.

Medical use of Sapropel

The therapeutic mud acts on the skin, as well as penetrating through it, and saturates the body with useful substances. The heat from the mud warms the internal organs, which promotes the blood flow towards them, inhibits the activity of the central nervous system. Mud bath reduces muscle pains, lowers blood pressure, reduces pain, removes pathogenic microflora from the skin, and eliminates inflammation. When the therapeutic mud is mixed with mineral water, mineral substances are released from it more actively, which enhances the therapeutic effect. Freshwater Green Mud is popular in spa & sanatorium centers for treating:

Migraines, headaches, depression

Psoriasis, fungal diseases, allergic reactions, and other skin diseases.

Diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Arthritis, polyarthritis, and spinal disorders.

Bruises, fractures, fresh wounds, scars & burns.

Inflammatory processes.


Prostatitis, impotence, cystitis, ureters.


Freshwater Green Mud is prohibited to use in case of:

  • Cardiovascular diseases, when the activation of blood circulation can lead to negative consequences.
  • In case of cancer or myomas.
  • In the care of tuberculosis.
  • In the last months of pregnancy.

When used for medical treatment, always consult a doctor or a dermatologist.


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